Independent Practice
Write your name, your gender, your profession, and where you live to practice the use of nouns in a sentence.
Once done, try to read it aloud.
1.Hi, my name is Najat. What’s your name? (Note the “N” is capital because it is a proper noun)
2.I am a female and you?
3.I am a teacher. How about you, what do you do?
4.I live in the USA. ( proper noun )
5.I like birds.
A question to reflect on
We’ve learned so far that a noun can name a person, place, thing, or idea, right?!
But what if I have more than one?!
(ex: four people, three places, six things or ideas ) how can I show that using my nouns!?
The answer will be in the next course!
By: Najat A.
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